Venue |
Address | Tennis Stadium Hamburg Rothenbaum Hallerstraße 89 20149 Hamburg |
Telephone | +49 40 411780 (central info number) |
Fax | ------------- |
Closest airport | Airport Hamburg Fuhlsbüttel |
Distance from airport to venue | 8,5 km, up to 20 Minutes by car due to traffic |
Details of transport from airport to hotel and between Main Draw hotel and venue | There will be a shuttle for the main draw teams from the airport to the main draw hotel as well as there will be a shuttle for FIVB delegates. Any other people (coaches, physios and staff) have to pay a fee of 10 EUR. Shuttle service will be to the main draw hotel only. There will also be a shuttle service between main draw hotel and the venue Rothenbaum. |
Training courts Address Number of courts Availability (date/time) | 4 Trainings court before the event one during the Event same Address (09:00-18:00) |
Name contact person 1 | Siegbert Brutschin will handle the shuttle scheduling for the players. Please do not publish every mail address for hotel issues and transportation to the players. This caused huge problems in the past. |
Mobile | +49 172 3277422 |
Email | |
Name contact person 2 | TBD |
Mobile | |
Email | |
Name(s) of other representatives in contact with players, officials etc | Back Office Marc Heitmann |
Mobile(s) | +49 176 82379790 |
Email(s) | |