Useful Information
Useful Info
- This event will be played with the FIVB Mikasa ball VLS 300.
Prize Money Breakdown (per team):
Registration Fee for Pre-Qualifier:
• Any team registered in the Pre-Qualification Phase shall pay a registration fee of US$ 100 per player, via online payment.
• Link for payment:
• Failure of the team to complete the payment process by minus ten days (-10 days) before the start of the tournament, will result in the withdrawal from the event, however no further fines or sanctions will be applied.
• For any inquiries regarding the payment process, please contact Mr. Jeff Conover at: or +1(619) 929-1485.
Side events- AVPFirst Pacific Zonal Championships, Player Parties, Press Conferences, movie night, yoga on Club AVP, meet-and-greet at Main St. Farmer’s Market
Hospitality Package(s) Club AVP, Courtside Boxes, The Deck, Cabanas
Camp for Beach Volleyball fans
AVPFirst clinics, Community Corner
Weather conditions in the same period when the event will be scheduled
High: 72 degrees Fahrenheit
Low: 59 degrees Fahrenheit
Sunrise and sunset time 6:00 am - 7:40 pm
Currency USD
Local Tourism Info
Recommended hotels TBD
Tourist Attractions
Downtown Huntington Beach, Pacific City
Time zone
Pacific Time
Useful Info: