As one of the more-experienced teams on the 2017 FIVB World Championships entry list, the Austrians have placed ninth and 17th together in the 2013 and 2015 world finals. Doppler has competed in every world championship since 2001 with ninths being his best finishes. Horst has played in the last five world championships with ninths being his best placements. Two-time Olympic teammates and three-time Summer Games participants, Doppler and Horst started playing together in 2012 with three podium placements and five “final four” appearances at FIVB World Tour event. Doppler began his FIVB career in 1998 and Horst in 2003. Neither player has won a FIVB World Tour event with their only appearances in finals being in 2012 (Star Jablonki) and 2016 (Porec).